إنّ "المركز العالمي للترجمة" (WORLD TRANSLATION CENTER) هو شركةٌ رائدةٌ في ترجمة اللغات وخدمات التسجيل الصوتي التي تعتمد على خبرات المحترفين المتعاقدين معها حول العالم.

Articles and Stories

The Evolution of the RAE Dictionary

The 23rd edition of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) will be released on October 16th. It includes more than 195,000 definitions, including 19,000 Americanisms.

The last edition of the dictionary was published in 2001 and, since then, it has been updated 5 times. This time, the new version of the DRAE (Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy) comes with 93,111 articles.

Since its first edition, it has been 234 years of language evolution that has caused the DRAE to evolve side-by-side with it. Each edition shows differences with the previous one, in an effort to reflect the status quo of language use.

The first edition in the XIX century was published in 1803 and it included several scientific neologisms, as a testament of the need to communicate new information during the Industrial Revolution. Such is the case nowadays with technology related terms such as “wi-fi”, a word that couldn’t possibly exist in the past without the existence of the Internet.

The 12th edition from 1884 incorporated colloquialisms, slang and also etymologies. Likewise, Latin American authors and representatives of the new language academies arising in some countries after their independence (such as Venezuela and Colombia), were being consulted.

In 1992, the 21st edition suppressed adverbs ending in –mente (the equivalent of -ly in English) and added a list of prefixes and suffixes. The latter probably solved doubts related to the correct use of certain words derived from others. In English, for example, “uninterested” and “disinterested” are both correct, but the prefix will change its meaning slightly, a very relevant difference for writers and linguists alike, as they are not quite the same word.

The last edition in 2001 contains more than 88,000 entries and it includes Latin American Spanish variations. Certain words that are spelled the same, and sound the same, don’t have the same acceptations depending on the country where they are used. Likewise, certain Latin American countries also have different terms as a result of having a different contextual landscape to describe (not to mention the influence of the languages spoken by the American natives). This is an example of how the language itself evolves differently in each nation or region.

In order to have a record of the modern lexical evolution, the RAE has created a MAP of Dictionaries through which you can simultaneously consult on-line 6 different editions of the Dictionary: 1780, 1817, 1884, 1925, 1992 and 2001 (http://web.frl.es/ntllet/SrvltGUILoginNtlletPub) .With this tool, it is possible to look up words by graphic and phonetic variants among other things.

Who said knowing a language was easy? Being aware of dictionary updates, language evolution and localized usage is what sets a good linguist apart.


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مواهب الأداء الصوتي
Acadian French Speakers | Accented English Speakers | African French Speakers | Afrikaans Speakers | Albanian Speakers | Amharic Speakers | Angolan Portuguese Speakers | Algerian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Bahrain Speakers | Arabic Speakers | Egyptian Arabic Speakers | Jordanian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Kuwait Speakers | Arabic Lebanon Speakers | Moroccan Arabic Speakers | Arabic Oman Speakers | Palestinian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Qatar Speakers | Saudi Arabian Arabic Speakers | Syrian Arabic Speakers | Tunisian Arabic Speakers | Arabic (UAE) Speakers | Armenian Speakers | Assamese Speakers | Azeri Speakers | Bambara Speakers | Basque Speakers | Belarusian Speakers | Bemba Speakers | Bengali Speakers | Bosnian Speakers | Bulgarian Speakers | Burmese Speakers | Cajun French Speakers | Cambodian Speakers | Cantonese (Guangdong) Speakers | Catalan Speakers | Chin Speakers | Cantonese (China) Speakers | Mandarin Speakers... | Traditional Mandarin Speakers | Chinese (Singapore) Speakers | Chinese (Taiwan) Speakers | Chuukese Speakers | Croatian Speakers | Czech Speakers | Dagbani Speakers | Danish Speakers | Dari Speakers | Dinka Speakers | Dutch Speakers | Dzongkha Speakers | African English Speakers | Australian English Speakers | British English Speakers | Canadian English Speakers | Indian English Speakers | Irish English Speakers | New Zealand English Speakers | Scottish English Speakers | South African English Speakers | American English Speakers | Estonian Speakers | Ewe Speakers | Farsi Speakers | Finnish Speakers | Flemish Speakers | French Belgian Speakers | Canadian French Speakers | French Congo Speakers | French Speakers | Moroccan French Speakers | Swiss French Speakers | Tunisian French Speakers | Ga Speakers | Galician Speakers | Georgian Speakers | Austrian German Speakers | German Speakers | Swiss German Speakers | Greek Speakers | Gujarati Speakers | Haitian Creole Speakers | Hausa Speakers | Hawaiian Speakers | Hebrew Speakers | Hindi Speakers | Hmong Speakers | Hungarian Speakers | Icelandic Speakers | Igbo Speakers | Ilocano Speakers | Indonesian Speakers | Italian Speakers | Swiss Italian Speakers | Japanese Speakers | Kannada Speakers | Karen Speakers | Kashmiri Speakers | Kazakh Speakers | Khasi Speakers | Khmer Speakers | Kinyarwanda Speakers | Kirundi Speakers | Konkani Speakers | Korean Speakers | Krio Speakers | Kurdish Speakers | Kyrgyz Speakers | Laotian Speakers | Latvian Speakers | Lebanese Speakers | Lingala Congo Speakers | Lithuanian Speakers | Luxembourgish Speakers | Macedonian Speakers | Malagasy Speakers | Malay Speakers | Malayalam Speakers | Maltese Speakers | Mandinka Speakers | Manipuri Speakers | Maori Speakers | Marathi Speakers | Marshallese Speakers | Mizo Speakers | Mongolian Speakers | Montenegrin Speakers | Nagamese Speakers | Navajo Speakers | Nepali Speakers | Nigerian Pidgin Speakers | Norwegian Speakers | Nuer Speakers | Oriya Speakers | Oromo Speakers | Papiamento Speakers | Pashto Speakers | Polish Speakers | Angolan Portuguese Speakers | Brazilian Portuguese Speakers | European Portuguese Speakers | Portuguese Mozambique Speakers | Punjabi Speakers | Rohingya Speakers | Romanian Speakers | Russian Speakers | Samoan Speakers | Serbian Speakers | Sesotho Speakers | Shona Speakers | Sinhala Speakers | Slovak Speakers | Slovenian Speakers | Somali Speakers | Sotho Speakers | Argentinian Spanish Speakers | Chilean Spanish Speakers | Colombian Spanish Speakers | Costa Rican Spanish Speakers | Cuban Spanish Speakers | Dominican Republic Spanish Speakers | Ecuadorian Spanish Speakers | Salvadorian Spanish Speakers | Guatemalan Spanish Speakers | Mexican Spanish Speakers | Neutral Spanish Speakers | Spanish Panama Speakers | Puerto Rican Spanish Speakers | Spanish (Spain) Speakers | Uruguayan Spanish Speakers | Venezuelan Spanish Speakers | Swahili Speakers | Swedish Speakers | Tagalog Speakers | Taiwanese Speakers | Tajik Speakers | Tamazight Speakers | Tamil Speakers | Tartarian Speakers | Telugu Speakers | Thai Speakers | Tibetan Speakers | Tigrinya Speakers | Tongan Speakers | Tswana Speakers | Turkish Speakers | Twi Speakers | Ukrainian Speakers | Urdu Speakers | Uzbek Speakers | North Vietnamese Speakers | South Vietnamese Speakers | Welsh Speakers | Xhosa Speakers | Yoruba Speakers | Zulu Speakersمعلومات أكثر [+]